
Quasiliterals, or QLs, are an important part of Monte syntax which allows us to embed arbitrary DSLs into Monte. With the power of QLs, Monte can be extended into new territory in a very neat way.

What’s a Quasiliteral?

This is a quasiliteral:

`Backticks start and end quasiliterals`

A quasiliteral can have values mixed into it with $. A value can be a name:

def name :Str := "Todd"
`Hello, $name!`

A value can also be an expression, using brackets:

`2 + 2 = ${2 + 2}`

Quasiliterals can be used as patterns:

# Equivalent to: def =="self" := "self"
def `self` := "self"

Quasiliteral patterns also permit pattern-matching with @ to retrieve single names:

def `(@first, @second)` := "(42, 5)"

And any pattern can be used with brackets:

def `x := @{var x}` := "x := 7"
x += "-11" # What? I like slushies!

Finally, there are different quasiparsers, or QPs, which each have different behavior:

# `` makes strings
`def x := 42` :Str
# b`` makes bytestrings
b`def x := 42` :Bytes
# m`` makes Monte AST objects
m`def x := 42` :(astBuilder.getAstGuard())

How to Use QLs

A quasiliteral expression starts with the name of a quasiparser (which can be empty) followed by a backtick. Then, a mixture of strings and holes are allowed, followed by a final backtick. The holes can either be expression-holes, with $, or pattern-holes, with @.


Pattern-holes cannot be used in QL expressions, only in QL patterns. Using a pattern-hole in a QL expression is a syntax error!

Builtin Quasiparsers

There are three common QPs included in Monte’s safe scope.


The simple or empty QP builds strings:

`string` == "string" # true

It can mix any value into a string, even values that don’t pass Str:

`${7}` == "7" # true

The simple QP does this by calling M.toString/1 on the values. Correspondingly, the value’s _printOn/1 is called, and can be customized:

object shirt { to _printOn(out) { out.print("tye-dye shirt") } }
def description :Str := `I am wearing a $shirt.`

When used as a pattern, the simple QP performs very simple but straightforward and powerful string parsing:

def container := "glass"
def `a $container of @drink` := "a glass of lemonade"


The bytes QP builds bytestrings:


The encoding of characters is unconditionally Latin-1. Non-Latin-1 characters cause errors to be thrown at runtime:


Other than that quirk, the bytes QP behaves much like the simple QP, including parsing:

def b`@header:@value` := b`x:12`


Finally, the Monte QP builds Monte ASTs from literal Monte source:

m`def x := 42`

The Monte QP can be used for code generation, since it evaluates to objects usable with eval/2:

eval(m`2 + 2`, [].asMap())

Custom Quasiparsers

Anybody can write their own quasiparser.

Parsing with Values

The first half of the QP API deals with building the initial structure and including values.

.valueHole(index :Int) should create a value marker which can be used in place of some value which will be included later. .valueMaker(pieces :List) will be called with a list of pieces, which can be either strings or value markers, and it should return a partial structure. That structure can be completed with its .substitute(values :List), which provides a list of values that can be swapped with the value markers.

To see how this API all comes together, let’s look at the kernel expansion of a simple QP call:

`Just another $day for this humble $string.`

What Monte actually does is call .valueMaker/1, like so:

::"``".valueMaker(["Just another ", ::"``".valueHole(0),
                   " for this humble ", ::"``".valueHole(1),
                   "."]).substitute([day, string])

Parsing Patterns

The pattern API is similar and builds upon the expression API.

First, the .patternHole/1 method allows pattern hole markers to be built, just like with value holes. Then, the structure is built with .matchMaker/1 instead of .valueMaker/1. This structure should have a completion method, .matchBind(values :List, specimen, ej) which attempts to unify the specimen with the structure completed by the values or eject on failure.

Here’s a simple pattern:

def `how ${hard} could it be to match @this?` := "not hard, just complex"

And its expansion:

def via (_quasiMatcher.run(::"``".matchMaker(["how ", ::"``".valueHole(0),
                                              " could it be to match ",
                           [hard])) [this] := "not hard, just complex"

Note how the _quasiMatcher helper in the safe scope takes care of the extra runtime plumbing.